Monday, September 15, 2008

What Happens After the Procedure?

Generally speaking, you will not be under any restrictions and you may return to your normal routine including work. to maximize M.U.A., physical therapy and adjustments/manipulation should be started soon after undergoing M.U.A. You should expect 6-8 weeks of these treatments which are typically performed at your doctor's office however, your doctor may refer you to the physical therapist. Treatment may include: stretching exercises, neuromuscular rehabilitation, electrical muscle stimulation and cryo-therapy (ice).
Following the prescribed program will help you regain pre-injury strength and help prevent pain and disability in the future.


Corie and Kevin said...

Dr. Lauren, Thank you so much for giving so much of your time and care. I can't explain to you how much you've helped me. Thank you again!!!

tahera said...
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tahera said...

The main concern in the patients mind is the side effects. This post would be really helpful. electrical muscle stimulation