Monday, September 15, 2008

What Happens After the Procedure?

Generally speaking, you will not be under any restrictions and you may return to your normal routine including work. to maximize M.U.A., physical therapy and adjustments/manipulation should be started soon after undergoing M.U.A. You should expect 6-8 weeks of these treatments which are typically performed at your doctor's office however, your doctor may refer you to the physical therapist. Treatment may include: stretching exercises, neuromuscular rehabilitation, electrical muscle stimulation and cryo-therapy (ice).
Following the prescribed program will help you regain pre-injury strength and help prevent pain and disability in the future.

Am I a candidate for M.U.A.?

Patients who have failed conservative care or have reached a "plateau" are potential candidates for this procedure. However, careful selection of qualified candidates is key to success. Your doctor will determine if M.U.A. is an option for you.

Once you are approved for M.U.A., you will require a complete medical screening so you can be cleared for twilight sedation.

Your doctor may also order additional tests such as MRIs, blood tests, EKG, chest x-ray and pregnancy test.

Is M.U.A. New?

No, M.U.A. is not "new". It has actually been around since the 1930's and used by osteopathic physicians for many years as a proven form of treatment for many chronic pain conditions.
During the past several years M.U.A. has become the treatment of choice thanks to tremendous advances in techniques and anesthesiology like twilight sedation.

How does M.U.A. work?

M.U.A. achieves results because it allows the doctor to adjust/manipulate the bones and muscles without the usual resistance. Twilight sedation (light sedation) allows you to be responsive but not apprehensive. Adjustments are completely gently and fibrotic adhesions that restrict range of motion and contribute to pain are gently released. Muscles are stretched and fibers are remodeled to reduce and eliminate restriction. The result: pain and discomfort are decreased if not eliminated.

Who Can Benefit from M.U.A.?

M.U.A. can be an effective procedure for people with chrinic neck, back and joint problems including pain and restricted motion. It is also effective for people with conditions caused by long-term disabilities, accidents and injuries that have not been responsive to conventional treatment.

Here are some conditions that M.U.A. may help:
*Fibrous Adhesions
*Pain from chronic disc problems
*Herniated discs (without fragmentation)
*Frozen shoulder
*Frozen hip
*Chronic headaches
*Cervicogenic headaches
*Failed back surgery
*Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
*Tarsel Tunnel Syndrome
*Plantar Fascitis

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What is M.U.A.?

Manipulation Under Anesthesia or M.U.A. is a non-invasive, highly specialized technique performed by Specially Trained Chiropractic, Osteopathic and trained Medical Physicians for patients who are not finding relief through conservative treatment or who have been facing or have already had surgery. M.U.A. is an effective alternative to risky and invasive spinal surgery. Studies prove the M.U.A. eliminates or greatly reduces pain and restores or greatly improves normal range of motion.